Obamacare: Hidden Blessing?

Hashem had to bring us to a point where people must learn how to fix their health problems on their own, because health care has become unaffordable for many Americans...

3 min

Racheli Reckles

Posted on 30.05.23

But, before you write me off, please keep reading. Over the years, I have tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to implement Rebbe Nachman’s teachings, mainly the fact that there are hidden blessings even in the worst circumstances. Our mission is to find them.
Since I can remember, my (read: mother’s) childhood dream was to be a doctor. I have a feeling that this is the dream of many Jewish mothers. It seems that every Jewish family must meet their G-d-given quota of at least one doctor, lawyer, or accountant in the family. What happened to the quota of a Rabbi in the family? Oh, right- I forgot. It’s archaic. Never mind.
Well, around my late teens, just as I was given tremendous opportunities to live out my (mother’s) dream even before I (never) got my M.D., I decided that this line of work was simply not for me. I had two main obstacles. First, I realized that I didn’t want to spend the next 12-15 years in medical school and residency. I understood that the lifestyle didn’t lend itself well to mothers. Either I was going to be a successful doctor, or a successful mother. I just didn’t see how doing both was possible, considering the severe demands on my time and attention in both areas.
The other obstacle, and the focus of this article, was the fact that I didn’t believe in the “miracle of modern medicine” anymore. I saw that modern medicine is simply chronic crisis management, and I had enough crises going on in my life as it were. I certainly didn’t need to manage other people’s crises!
My mother is still heartbroken over the loss of my (her) dream.
In Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom, lies the heart of the problem with modern medicine. Point #50 states: “The Rebbe often spoke to us about physicians and medicine, denouncing them in the strongest terms. He advised us to avoid them, even in the case of serious illness.” Apparently Rebbe Nachman foresaw the future tyrannical rise of Big Pharma. Yes, it’s true- Big Pharma really does want to control the world. There- I said it. Prove me wrong.
But what is the crux of the problem with their world domination? Aside from the fact that there are many more chronic illnesses than ever before, people are generally not much healthier. Worse than that, however, is the side effect that modern medicine has created: it has transformed us from once-in-a-while patients to life-long patients.What does this mean for us?
It means that we have given up control over our health. Modern medicine has switched the focus from living a healthy lifestyle to prevent and/or overcome disease to using medical interventions to overcome (yet certainly not prevent!) disease. For every little cold, we run to the doctor for a magic pill. Never mind the hundreds of side effects. We live in a society that wants a quick fix, and the consequences can be dealt with later- with more pills, of course. FYI, people- antibiotics don’t cure viruses!! As for bacterial infections, medicine suppresses the infection deep into the nervous system, and lowers our immune defenses at the same time. Talk about a 2 for 1 deal!
So what does all this have to do with Obamacare? I think Hashem wants us to reclaim our health and overhaul our decadent, materialistic lifestyles. Unfortunately, He had to bring us to a point where many people simply have no choice but to learn how to fix their health problems on their own, because health care has become unaffordable for many Americans. I truly feel for the people with serious health problems, as it’s not easy nor advisable to stop cold turkey with their current medical treatments. If a person with a serious illness wishes to take drastic steps to improve his health, he should do so under the guidance of a competent holistic healer.
That being said, here are a few points worth looking further into:
Want to avoid skin cancer? Skip the sunscreen and get direct sunlight for 20 minutes a day to get your much-needed vitamin D. If you want further tips regarding sun protection, email me.
Want to get rid of diabetes? Stop eating refined and bleached sugars. Eat minimal starches and fruits.
Want to boost your immunity? Eat fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut and drink juices loaded with antioxidants.
Want to lower your blood pressure? Stop eating fast food, drink tons of water, and eat foods loaded with garlic, hot chilies, and turmeric.
Want to lower your risk of any cancer? Juice every day. Dark leafy greens, probiotics, and berries are excellent at cleansing the body. Stop eating white sugar, as it just provides the breeding ground for viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria to flourish. Read Dr. Hulda Clark’s The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers.
There are times when modern medicine can save a life. This is wonderful. However, we need to clarify when we need it and when we don’t. And, of course, we can’t forget that G-d runs the world. If He wants us to be healthy or sick, that’s His choice, and we must trust that it’s for our best. Our job is to take care of ourselves using the tools that He gave us- our minds, Google, and lots and lots of personal prayer! 

Tell us what you think!

1. Racheli


Thank you! I appreciate all of your comments! It's great to see others benefitting from a healthy lifestyle and sharing that knowledge as well.

2. Racheli


I appreciate all of your comments! It's great to see others benefitting from a healthy lifestyle and sharing that knowledge as well.

3. Lori, The Netherlands


Excellent Advice I live this lifestyle. Survived serious illness. Getting back to basics. Rebbe Nachman is so correct.

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