The Emperor’s Wedding

The trumpets blast! The royal carriage has arrived. Trembling with anticipation...

3 min

Rabbi Erez Moshe Doron

Posted on 03.08.23

All the guests are waiting with baited breaths for the great moment. Each second is significant. The trumpets blast! The royal carriage has arrived. Trembling with anticipation, their hearts pounding, the guests wait for the great moment…
The Emperor, Who rules the entire world, is about to marry. After the wedding, everything will be different. Nothing will be as before.
All the guests are waiting with baited breaths for the great moment. Each second is significant. The trumpets blast! The royal carriage has arrived. The wedding will take place momentarily. Trembling with anticipation, their hearts pounding, the guests wait for the great moment.
A filthy man dressed in coarse rags pushes his way into the crowd. “Excuse me,” he wails to anyone willing to listen, “Have you seen my rubber boots? I’m in a hurry to catch my bus; I’ve gotta get to the supermarket and buy some toilet cleanser and cookies. Could you give me two dollars, please?”
The crowd stares at him in silent shock. They’re disgusted, and angry. “What’s your problem?” their eyes silently convey. “Don’t you realize that there’s a wedding going on? Don’t you understand that the world’s most important event is taking place this very moment? Aren’t you ashamed to ask for something as insignificant as rubber boots?!”
“I’ve gotta catch my bus!” he yells angrily. “Give me my boots and some money. I need to buy toilet bowl cleanser.”
Some of the guests furiously stare at him, while someone gingerly picks up the man’s muddy boots and throws them at his feet in disgust. They want him to leave already. They’re repulsed at his pathetic foolishness. How could anyone think of cookies and toilet cleaner at such a moment?
But there is one individual who is not repulsed.
He waits impatiently for him to leave, and then he runs over to him and to embrace him. He gives him a friendly pat on the back, takes an interest in his lost boots, his bus, which is due to arrive any moment, and in his shopping list.
In all the excitement, there is only one individual who cares about the troubles of this coarse man.
He walks with the simple man, loans him money, and patiently listens to him. Meanwhile, he explains, in very simple words, about the Emperor, that He is a great and mighty King. He explains that the Emperor rules the entire world, and that today He is getting married.
Slowly, the words penetrate the simple man’s head. Finally, he understands what is going on. His eyes light up! He lets go of his shopping bags and wishing that he would have a chance to wash up and change his clothes, he silently returns to the wedding hall.
There are many guests at the wedding.
There are Tzaddikim (righteous men), who cleave to Hashem and do His will, keeping His Presence foremost in their lives.
There are other distinguished guests who remember Him daily, giving joy and pleasure to the King.
There is also a different guest, who is searching for the King’s lost sons. His heart radiates love and appreciation as he constantly searches for the King’s sons. When he finds one of the King’s lost sons, he doesn’t give up until his reaches the depths of the son’s heart. He makes sure that the son understands that we about to witness a wedding and everyone’s waiting for him to join the wedding party. There’s nothing sweeter than that in the entire world.
The Emperor is pleased with his many guests, but it’s not difficult to guess who gives the Emperor the most pleasure! He smiles at His guests, answers their greetings and nods to them, but His eyes are looking expectantly towards the window as His heart goes out to His special messenger.
He is craving is to hear from him.
How many did he find, and where? How are they doing? Are they all right?
How many were saved? How many are already redeemed?
The Emperor wants to know what is going on outside, in the darkness beyond the light of the wedding hall. Where are His lost children? When will they return to their boundaries?
Only one guest is not repulsed.
The further the son has fallen, the more that he is sunken in darkness, drowning in the depths of evil – the greater the joy in finding him, akin to discovering a hidden treasure buried in a dark cave.
The guest is not repulsed by the boots, the weekday clothing, the toilet bowl cleanser, or the cookies. He gives of himself freely, embracing the lost, simple Jew. He is not repelled by the dirty clothes, the strange requests. He doesn’t turn away from pettiness and lack of knowledge.
Many people are attending the Emperor’s wedding, but only one is bound to the Emperor with unlimited love. He is the one who is willing to go to the supermarket and take care of vanities, while constantly communicating with the great Emperor.
Only One is aware of those rare moments in the silence, when the light of a soul is suddenly revealed, when the shells melt away and disappear, revealing an infinite beauty.
Adapted from the Hebrew at:

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