Israel’s Right to Exist

Why is there such an existential threat against the Jewish people in the Land of Israel today? Where’s Moshiach?

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 29.10.23

Our Future is in Our Past

My beloved hometown of Ashdod is today (2008) a blatant microcosm of greater Israel. One part of town is every bit as Chassidic as Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, where a Yiddish speaker doesn’t have to know a word of Hebrew to get by and people walk around on Shabbat with the traditional Chassidic garb of Belz, Gur, and Vishnitz. There are round-the-clock prayer minyans, Torah lessons wherever you go, yeshivas, mikvas, and benevolent aid societies for anything you can imagine. My neighbor’s wife has a gamach (free loan fund for money for a needed commodity) for pacifiers of all sizes and shapes, so if a baby loses his or her pacifier in the middle of the night or on Shabbat, there won’t be crying all night long. Everyone is engaged in some kind of community service.
Because of our prolific birth rate (praise and thanks to Hashem), the government and the grossly anti-religious Israeli press are alarmed and afraid that in a few years the law of Torah will democratically defeat the traditional leftist oligarchy that has been running the State of Israel for years, no matter which party is in power. Therefore, they maintain a constant flow of satanic propaganda against those who devote their lives to Torah. I don’t want to direct our dear readers’ attention to such trash, but one can see such anti-religious incitements and ignorant essays on many Israeli news websites daily. The result is a decadent society. So, on the other end of town in Ashdod, there are neighborhoods where pork is freely sold, where organized crime rules, and where a narcotics user can find the substance of his choice on any street corner, among the other sicknesses of an anti-emuna society that are available on the same street corners.
Israel’s only right to exist – in Hashem’s own words – is if its people observe the Torah on this sacred land. The Palestinians can certainly point a finger at those who defile the Holy Land and shout, “Who are they to uproot us from our homes?” They can’t say that to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who hold Hashem’s deed to this land and who are committed to the uncompromising observance of Hashem’s commandments in the Holy Land of milk and honey.
King David said, “Some have their horses and some have their chariots, but we shall recall the Name of Hashem (Psalms 20:8).”
Some rely on military might. We rely on prayer. Both history and our holy Rebbe Nachman of Breslev say that we’re right.
Now hear this: the Israeli government’s reliance on military might and American aid is like a cripple relying on toothpicks for crutches. Only two short years ago, Nasrulla and his two thousand or so rowdies taught the anti-emuna government a painful lesson that the latter refuses to learn. Today, the Hezbollah – with the help of Syria and Iran – is more than a band of rowdies but a growing and highly trained army. A little over a week ago, the Hamas in Gaza forced the Israeli government to its knees by accepting a ceasefire that did not include the release of Gilad Shalit, may Hashem protect him. The government has no answer to the Kassam threat from Gaza, and certainly not to the threat from the north. $30 billion of American aid won’t help either. Maybe foreign overlords can purchase our politicians, but they can’t buy those of us who put our trust in Hashem.
There is no military answer for secular Israel. Israel’s only chance for survival is a total reliance on Hashem and a return to our roots. Our future is where our past is. Without that past – the tradition handed down to us generation after generation in an unbroken chain since Mount Sinai – there is no future.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev promised, “Nitzachti Ve’anatzeach”, I have won and I will win. He was right about everything else, and he isn’t mistaken here. Emuna is spreading like wildfire, all over the world, and we here at Breslev Israel are pouring as much fuel on that fire as we can. We shall overcome, with Hashem’s loving grace, amen.

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