Pierce the Heavens

The Jewish People are facing unprecedented challenges, with no logical solutions on the horizon. Do we throw up our hands in despair? No way! There's the turbo-six...

3 min

David Perlow

Posted on 11.04.23

Let’s fight spiritual mediocrity! We as the Jewish people are in a war, yet we don’t know what our greatest weapon is – prayer.  For too long, many of us have been reading the headlines of what’s happening in Israel. From the disunity amongst religious and non-religious Jews, to the Government and their victimization of the Haredi community, our situation is bleak; but what are we doing about it?  Checking out news websites may keep us informed, but I want to share with you how we can change the headlines, Emuna style.


Israel’s greatest need is for unity. Rav Arush recently taught us that we cannot expect world peace when our own nation, the chosen people, are not together in unity It’s crazy all the names that exist within Judaism – Ultra Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Light Religious, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, blah blah blah. What do they all mean other than simply, "I don’t connect with you"? But what unites us? I think we are still trying to figure this out, but now it’s no longer an option to ignore the dissension among our people anymore. The world is pushing us into a corner, but what do you think could bring peace within ourselves? There is a huge disconnection that exists amongst many unaffiliated Jews with their own heritage and the land of Israel.  What can you do that can bring about change? The answer is prayer.


Let’s go back to the most incredible miracle that we all personally felt in the summer war with Gaza. Hamas was planning the most sophisticated terror attack on local residents living in the south of Israel.  When was it going to be carried out? On Rosh HaShana, but due to the tragic event that happened to our three teenage martyrs, the plans were discovered, along with the tunnels, and Hamas’s goal was destroyed. But we have to realize something here, the alarm clock is ringing for us to wake up as a nation and stop hitting the snooze button to return to Hashem and the path of Torah. We all need to strengthen ourselves and work to bringing merit to the Jewish nation. How do we do that? Prayer.


I want to challenge you to take responsibility for some part of making the Jewish people stronger. Maybe it’s sharing an Emuna book, or maybe a great emuna CD, the idea is that you are now enlisted in the Jewish people’s Emuna army. No more being passive. Let’s take it a step further. Push yourself to pray harder and longer for the Jewish nation. For the redemption of our people, for Jonathan Pollard, for unity, for spiritual and material prosperity. There’s one more push I’m going to give you, and if you take it, you will change the headlines. I want you to push yourself to taking upon yourself to do a six hour personal prayer session for Jewish nation and its well-being BEFORE Pesach.


You want the terror to end? You want peace? You want the government of Israel to act independently and not subject itself to the “UN – United Nazi’s?” Well then it’s time you put on your gloves and step up. This is all a spiritual wake up call to get you and I out of bed and focus on the big picture. Your prayers are in high demand for our people as a whole.


Rav Shalom Arush in his book “In Forest Fields” talks about a special type of hitbodedut used in emergency situations when someone needs immediate help.  This is what is called super-charged prayer – the "turbo six"- a six-hour hitbodedut session.  According to the greatest minds of Judaism, this type of prayer can move mountains. The idea is to pray for one request in simple and innocent fashion for six hours. “Please Hashem, help the Jewish people unite, may there be brotherhood and may we all know true peace in the land of Israel and throughout the world.” There you go, you can make up your own prayer but the idea is to be focused on one point for six hours. Miracles will happen. But it’s up to you to do.


Invoking Divine compassion for the nation of Israel will not be coming by getting a red string for your hand, no, it will come by your tears and heartfelt prayers for the Jewish people. I am strongly suggesting you try this method of prayer, for it will bring you closer to Hashem more than anything else. Just imagine what blessing you will invoke, six hours for Hashem’s beloved children! You’ll change everything!


Homework: Before Pesach, commit yourself to do a six hour personal session for the Jewish nation. You yourself will change the world. Let us know how it goes!

Tell us what you think!

1. Sharona


everything counts

Every prayer counts. We might need to start small and work our way up. Hashem appreciates our efforts

2. Sharona


Every prayer counts. We might need to start small and work our way up. Hashem appreciates our efforts

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