A 12-Step Plan for Relieving Arthritis

Arthritis sufferers - with Hashem's everloving grace, here's great news: You can beat the rap of arthritis without doctors, without pills, and with virtually no added expense…

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 04.06.23

A year ago, Milton was almost lame with bad knees. He attributed the problem to too many years of long-distance running that were now catching up to him in middle age. Then, the joints in his right hand began to cause him sharp pain. Shortly afterwards, his shoulders followed suit.

Having read “In Forest Fields,” Milton saw that he had one of two options – either run after doctors, or take the advice of Rav Shalom Arush, may Hashem bless him always, and run after Hashem.
Milton came to the conclusion that everything Hashem does is for a purpose; he already learned that in “The Garden of Emuna,” but never fully internalized the concept. It was definitely time for teshuva. He wrote me and asked for guidance, so I gave him a plan that I had actually developed in overcoming my own arthritis-related aches and pains.
Six months of daily personal prayer devoted to beating the rap of what he knew was arthritis and a serious change in both diet and spiritual routine helped Milton overcome the affliction. He noticed that whenever he did certain things wrong – such as making a blessing without the proper intent – the pain recurs. The arthritis turned out to be a gift from Hashem to show him that he needed to take better care for both body and soul.
Arthritis sufferers – with Hashem’s ever-loving grace, here’s great news: You can beat the rap of arthritis without doctors, without pills, and with virtually no added expense. Milton did it, and you can too.
Here’s the scoop: Since a healthy soul needs a healthy body, proper diet and exercise work together with teshuva and prayer to enhance overall health and well-being. During the past year alone, I’ve been in contact with four different people (24 year-old male, 58 yr. old female, 62 yr. old male, 84 year-old female), who had been suffering from mild depression on one hand, and arthritis on the other. All four have made remarkable progress. Gordon (62, from Melbourne) writes:
I would never have believed it! At first (please excuse me), I thought you were crazy, Rabbi. But, when you second-guessed everything I was eating, I thought “my, this man knows something.” Fortunately, I no longer need steroids, and my situation is not autoimmune like the doctors said. It’s a crime if you don’t share your painless plan with the whole world. I’m grateful to your Outreach Program, to you, and to Hashem. May you be blessed in every single way. With sincere thanks, Gordon M.
With Hashem’s help, you’re going to be smiling too. Here’s our field tested plan – please follow the entire scheme, for it incorporates the mutual effort of body and soul:
1. From this moment on, no diet beverages or artificial sweeteners of any kind – they are direct causes of joint pain and degeneration.
2. Drastically lower your intake of salt and white sugar – they bleed the body of calcium.
3. Increase your calcium intake. Alfalfa sprouts, sardines, organic tehina, and almonds are especially high in calcium.
4. Raise your body’s pH by eating less acidic foods. Alcohol and fried foods should be eliminated from your diet. Eat more vegetables. Junk food is totally taboo.
5. Get as much Omega3 as possible; fish and flax seed (ground fresh, 2 teaspoons a day, added to yogurt or bran flakes) are perfect for this.
6. Move over from white sugar and flour to whole wheat grains/breads and natural cane sugar.
7. Up your natural vitamin E intake – lettuce and wheat germ (2 teaspoons a day, added to yogurt or bran flakes) will do the job. Unroasted sunflower seeds are also a terrific source of Vitamin E.
8. Do 5-10 minutes of light stretching and flexing exercises when you wake up and before you go to bed.
9. Walk for at least 30 (Preferably 60) minutes a day, while asking Hashem to cure you and to help you correct your soul.
10. Wash your hands 3 times consecutively as soon as you wake up in the morning.
11. Be careful to make a proper blessing before and after eating, and after visiting the toilet.
12. Give a coin to charity every day, then say Psalm 91. For those who seek a faster recovery, say Psalms 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150 (the “Tikkun Klali”).
If you follow the above advice to the letter, you’ll also trim out and feel a thousand times better. Go for it, it works!

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