Happiness and Your Fork

The foods that we eat not only affect our physical health; they also strongly impact how receptive we will be when connecting to our spiritual core…

2 min

Gedale Fenster

Posted on 15.03.21

Transcribed by Devora Shifrin



Have you ever eaten too many donuts, only to find yourself feeling lethargic, moody, and tempted to sleep the daylight hours away? It’s quite strange that the very foods that are designed to increase our energy, actually have the opposite affect when consumed in excess. The foods that we eat not only affect our physical health; they also strongly impact how receptive we will be when connecting to our spiritual core.


There are many guidelines in the Torah regarding nearly every aspect of daily life, yet perhaps the instruction which is most often overlooked is the command to properly care for our bodies. The body is the vessel which houses the soul on our journey in this world. This journey of connecting to our spiritual essence within the physicality of this realm is the epitome of the human struggle. This struggle, however, can be greatly minimized by becoming mindful of how we feed our bodies, and understanding how our daily food choices affect every other aspect of our lives.


80% of a person’s immune system is located within the stomach, thereby validating the idea that one’s ability to fight disease is directly related to the food that he eats. If a person does not eat the correct foods, he will likely be more susceptible to illness, thereby preventing him from operating at his maximum level of energy. The same notion applies to eating beyond the point of satiation. 


Some studies suggest that there may be a correlation between going to sleep on a full stomach and experiencing nightmares. Interestingly, the spiritual remedy for preventing a nightmare is to take on a fast day. Fasting is way to provide the soul with sustenance by overcoming the body’s demand for food, thereby rectifying a meal that was detrimental to one’s wellbeing.


Excessive eating generally stems from a place of stress and anxiety. Eating foods that taste good, creates a feeling of happiness from within the brain that may be difficult to resist, especially during times of hardship. Yet it is important to recognize that God loves each and every one of us, and everything that happens in this life is a reflection of that deep love. With this belief, we will have the clarity and peace of mind to make healthier food choice; thereby providing the body with the nutrients that it needs to function optimally, creating momentum for self-control, positive self-image and facilitating the harmony between the body and the soul.



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About Gedale Fenster – Gedale Fenster, a Miami-based entrepreneur and motivational speaker, is the founder and CEO of the People’s Insurance Claim Center and Evolutions Treatment Center. He has also established the Breslov Center, where he teaches. He hosts a series of daily and weekly online lectures at http://www.gedalefenster.com/

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