Kites and Cures

Elevated cholesterol is a chronic problem that too many people in developed countries suffer from. Isn’t it interesting that this epidemic is more prevalent in western countries?

4 min

Racheli Reckles

Posted on 15.03.21

A few weeks ago Rav Brody commented on the fact that the simple little kite bombs were able to bypass all of Israel’s most high-tech defense systems. Imagine. A kite you can buy for a few pennies carrying an explosive made in some Arab’s yard can get past the famed Iron Dome with a little help from an unpredictable wind current.


His point reminded me that sometimes, the greatest technological advances don’t guarantee safety or an improved quality of life.


More specifically, his point reminded me that the greatest medical advances don’t guarantee health, safety or an improved quality of life.


Just like these simple yet deadly kites, there are many simple, natural approaches to healing that are light years ahead of the scientific breakthroughs that seem to be breaking our bank accounts more than actually healing anyone.


I’d like to list a few below, but before I do, I must again clarify that I am not slamming conventional medicine. There are many wonderful, life-saving procedures that are an absolute blessing, and it’s great to know that they exist should we ever need them.


What I would like to show is that the mental dependence we have on doctors is not only unnecessary, but also many times detrimental to our health.


In my unprofessional and very opinionated opinion, a person doesn’t need to run to the doctor for every little cough, stuffy nose, and fever. Even a stomach bug doesn’t warrant a doctor’s visit unless it has been going on for more than 24 hours and the person shows signs of dehydration.


Beyond this, there are many chronic illnesses that would not exist if we would just eat properly and use the right supplements to boost our bodies’ various organ systems and immunity.


For example, diabetes was originally called a “sugar disease” because doctors understood it was a result of eating too much sugar. Go figure. Today, it has been relabeled as a genetic disease, which pretty much damns a person into believing that since many people in his family suffer from diabetes, it is inevitable that he will, at some point in his life, suffer from it too.


I absolutely disagree.


Diabetes is a simple equation of too much sugar and chronically raised insulin. As I wrote last year, too much sugar raises your insulin, whose job is not only to prevent excess sugar from getting into the bloodstream, but also, as a fat-storing hormone, to store every calorie you have just ingested as fat. Raised insulin also causes the pancreas tremendous stress by making it pump out more and more insulin.


This is why many diabetics and people with insulin resistance are overweight.


The secret to curing diabetes is simple, just like the kites. Stop eating massive amounts of sugar and carbohydrates. I love the website for great eating ideas and for a more complete explanation of the diabetes epidemic and how you can cure it simply.


All the insulin shots in the world won’t cure you of diabetes; they will just help you manage your blood sugar and associated symptoms. Furthermore, science, with all of its advancements, has no cure for diabetes.


I must stress that if you are currently taking insulin and would like to stop, you must do this under the supervision of your health care provider! Please do not just decide to stop without proper guidance and follow-up.


Now let’s talk heart disease. Elevated cholesterol is a chronic problem that too many people in developed countries suffer from. Isn’t it interesting that this epidemic is more prevalent in western countries? Already that should clue us in to the fact that this is a diet issue, not necessarily a genetic issue.


I’m not saying that genetics plays no role in developing certain types of illness. It very well may play a part by giving a tendency to gain weight or develop high cholesterol faster than others, etc.


But genes, as many scientists know, can be turned on and off. They can be activated or deactivated, just like a light switch. And do you know what the main influencing factor is?


The food we eat.


So, talking about high cholesterol: If you want to lower your cholesterol, stop eating sugar, carbs, and dairy. Your diet should be mostly vegetables, complex carbs like beans and healthy grains like quinoa and spelt, and a few nuts and fruits. You can have animal protein, but don’t eat too much, as it can make your body too acidic. Water should be your main drink.


If you are on statin drugs, again I advise you to have your doctor monitor your cholesterol levels before you go off them altogether. Research hs shown that people who take statins have lower cholesterol, but on average they die younger than people who had "untreated" high cholesterol! After diet, a primary reason for high cholesterol, and especially "genetic" high cholesterol, is actually untreated thyroid problems. As usual, popping a thyroid pill isn't the solution either, but if you boost your thyroid naturally, you'll most probably see a big reduction in your cholesterol levels.


Last biggie I’d like to talk about: cancer. Cancer is a threat to everyone these days. It’s terrifying. We have never been more bombarded with toxins from every direction: our food, our cell phones, computers, etc.


And again, science wants us to believe that the genetic code we’re trying to crack will be the ultimate answer that everyone’s waiting for. All the high-tech ways we have to fight cancer are doing little to actually lower the rates of people diagnosed with cancer.


It seems that no matter what we do, more and more people will be diagnosed with cancer in the coming years, and more will die than survive it.


Again, the fact that some people may be genetically inclined to develop breast cancer or skin cancer, for example, because it runs in their family, does not mean that they are destined to die from it.


The cure and prevention are simple: it’s all in the way we eat.


Dr. Thomas Seyfried is a top scientist who is shocking the world with his simple theory of the origins of cancer and the even simpler way to cure it. If you’re interested in learning more about his theory, watch this amazing video called “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease”.


AGAIN! If you are already being treated for cancer, DO NOT STOP YOUR TREATMENTS WITHOUT YOUR DOCTOR’S APPROVAL!!


You can still implement Dr. Seyfried’s suggestions and continue with your treatments.


I sincerely hope that this information helps you to start looking outside the box that modern medicine has forced us into. Health doesn’t have to be complicated, and neither do cures.


May Hashem bless each and every one of you with long, happy, and healthy lives, Amen.



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