Time to Change Your Life

You can read a million self-help books and take every class, but you need one thing to take all that information and turn it into something that really changes your life...

4 min

Rivka Levy

Posted on 21.03.23

In my last article, I explained the first 7 strategies of how to boost your GodJuice by talking to God in a way proven to get real results, fast. Now I explain the 8th and final strategy: 



8. Say Thank You 


If you really want to see fast results, the strongest brand of GodJuice I know is to say thank you for your problems. I know this sounds counter-intuitive – maybe even insane – but let me explain why this could be one of the most effective strategies for turning your biggest problems around, fast. 



It’s human nature to moan, complain, and feel sorry for yourself, but nothing dries up your GodJuice as fast, or as fundamentally, as complaining and whining. When you tell God ‘thanks’ for all the stuff going on in your life, even the bad stuff, even the huge, apparently unsolvable health problem you’re dealing with – it’s a massive spiritual shortcut, and it blows all the spiritual blockages to smithereens. Saying ‘thank you’ can get your GodJuice pumping again, like nothing else. 



It’s not easy to do – but it works. I’ve heard more stories than I can count about people who said thank you for their tumors – and the cancer disappeared. Or people who said thank you for their chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases, and they literally disappeared overnight. 



Energetically, gratitude is one of the most powerful healing forces in the body. When it’s combined with GodJuice, it can become an unstoppable, even miraculous, force for health and well-being. 



To give just one example, in his book ‘Gratitude Works,’ Robert Emmons explains how adopting an attitude of gratitude has been scientifically proven to boost your health in a number of ways, including enabling you to cope with, and bounce back from, stress much easier. 



How to Implement the Stuff in this Series 


Let me ask you something: How many self-help books have you already read? How many New Year’s resolutions have you already made to change, or improve, or to do things differently? After all the classes you’ve taken, and all the stuff you’ve already learned, and all the efforts you’ve already made, how much did your life actually change? 



As I mentioned earlier, GodJuice is the key to taking the things you’re learning in this book (and anything else you want to learn and implement) out of the realm of ‘theory,’ and putting it into practice. 



When you don’t talk to God about your issues, difficulties, and health problems, generally – very little of substance changes. You can read all the self-help books you want, learn all the inspiring spiritual ideas out there, buy all the chia seeds, and drink all the green smoothies known to man – but you still often won’t have the courage and ability required to follow through with your truth, and make the changes you need to. 



Whatever is stopping you, or holding you back, from achieving your full potential in life, exactly the same thing is stopping you from talking to God. 


If you’ll say you have no time, I guarantee that’s a big problem in every other area of your life, too. If you say you can’t see the point of doing it, you’ll also have that same attitude in other important areas of your life. If you believe you can’t do it, and that you’re going to fail if you try – Bingo! Now you know why you’re also stuck in so many other areas of your life. 



So, pay close attention to what’s stopping you from working on your GodJuice, because it’ll be precisely the same thing that’s stopping you from happily living your life to the fullest in many other areas. The good news is that the more effort you make to overcome the ‘issue’ that’s stopping you from talking to God, the more it will start to fade away and stop causing you problems in the rest of your life, too. 



Therefore, before we continue any fartherI want you to take a few seconds to decide how much time you’re willing to commit to boosting your GodJuice every day! It can be as little as five minutes, preferably at least 20 or 30 minutes – and one hour is the official minimum according to Rabbi Arush. The key is to do it every single day without fail. Even just five minutes of daily GodJuice can move mountains, spiritually and emotionally. 



If even one minute sounds too hard (and it can for a lot more people than you might imagine) – don’t give up. Just keep reading this series, and the other wonderful articles on this website. Eventually, you’ll get inspired, try it, and be hooked! Everyone has their own speed and their own pace of change. The key is to be honest about where you’re really holding. 



That said, I still want a commitment from you! How much time are you willing to devote to talking to God, and boosting your GodJuice a day? 



Write down for yourself right now:           minutes a day. 

(One day, you’ll thank me for pinning you down on this.) 


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