The Power of Mikva – Part 1

When a person immerses, he should meditate that his soul is immersing above in the fiery river of Dinor. For whatever a person does bellow...

3 min

Rebbe Aaron Rote z"l

Posted on 20.06.23

Before the sin of Adam the world was in a semi physical state leaning strongly to the spiritual side. When Adam sinned he caused the whole world to materialize. However waters represent the essence of purity and therefore did not become contaminated by the sin. They therefore retain a very high spiritual state, when one immerses in them he purifies himself. This is the meaning of the Midrash (Midrash Konen) that the lower waters wanted to rise up and join the upper waters until G-D kicked them down. The meaning is that they should have remained totally spiritual since they were unaffected by the sin. However G-D had mercy on the world and placed it in semi physical mater so sinners trying to repent can purify themselves.
Water manifest from the Upper Loving Kindness (Chesed) whose source is the Wisdom (Chochma) which is called Father (Abba). At this level there are no klipot and external forces. These upper waters then manifest and filter through thousands of realms until they reach their physical state. When G-D wants to remove the control from the wicked forces and rulers, he brings forth the energy of the Chesed coming from Chochma. From this energy all the negative forces flee in panic. So too when a person enters the waters of the mikvah, which is a lower manifestation of this energy, all the evil forces flee in panic.
One has to be very careful that he has no separating barrier on him when he immerses in the Mikvah (such as a band aid or dirt).
One has to make sure that he is fully immersed in the water and that not even one hair is sticking out.
There are Four Hundred main Camps of Impurity which manifested in the Four Hundred Men of Esav. The mikvah contains Forty seah each of which contain ten smaller units. When one immerses in the mikvah eachseah removes Ten Camps of Impurity.
It is known from the Kabbalists that a person who immerses in the mikvah even if he is unable to meditate on any of the Divine Names, he still brings upon himself a mighty spirit of purity.
Mikva’ot are not social bath houses and are not meant for entertainment and should not be used as places of relaxation.
There are only two Mitzvot that a person can immerse his whole body in – mikvah and sukkah. A person who does not go to the mikvah every day should at least do so on Succot.
When a person immerses, he should meditate that as he is immersing bellow, his soul is immersing above in the fiery river of Dinor. For whatever a person does bellow, he causes his soul to do the same above.
It is very important for a person to bring himself to have some thought of repentance before he enters the mikvah.
Even a person who regularly refrains from doing kavanot and Meditating on divine names, since he considers himself unworthy and these things above his level. However the kavana of the mikvah, every single person is permitted to make use of them, for the holiness of the mikvah protects them.
If a person sees the forces of evil in a dream or vision (If a person is steeped in pgam HaBrit they will look like women) he should immediately go immerse in a mikvah even though he did not experience an emission. This is a sign that the forces of evil are lurking about him, waiting in ambush to defile him, as soon as they get a chance. One should immediately go destroy them in the mikvah. This is mentioned in the words the Magid spoke to the Bet Yosef.
To be continued.
(Reprinted with kind permission of

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