Feminine Energies

Our world is changing rapidly. The masculine energies of competition and physicality are being replaced by feminine energies of cooperation, understanding and compassion...

4 min

Lori Steiner

Posted on 12.07.23

Following Jewish history’s Age of the Prophets, our leaders began to fragment into multiple streams of influence. The spiritual power that intensifies when we unify began to dissipate as we grew distant from each other and from G-d. This summarizes the evolution of the Jewish People. We began our journey in infancy, clinging to Hashem, and dependent on His loving care. In time, we had difficulty in maintaining the physical aspect of living on the level with the spiritual. The dilemma became clear. Some of us chose to operate primarily from a spiritual perspective. Others of us turned to physical and material pursuits, relinquishing much of our connection to that which is spiritual. Still others, in varying degrees, tried to balance the two and wound up focusing on the cultural or on the halachic (Jewish legal directives) of our faith.


Our connection to G-d in all circles suffered as we tried to balance the various facets of Judaism that evolved from various segments of the population’s refusal to accept the Torah leaders of the generation. Contention and stubbornness became our trademark, and, lo and behold, the Jewish People, instead of growing in maturity as a unit, chose different avenues: Some played it small, some assimilated, some formed homogeneous communities to retain Jewish values, and some involved themselves in the accomplishments of this world and in earning accolades.


Fortunate were those who had a proper Jewish education. Whatever we chose to do centered around varying opinions and beliefs. Our united purpose suffered in the process. What is this purpose? It was and still remains to partner with G-d to complete ourselves (emerge with refined character traits), bind to each other, bring G-d back to dwell amongst us in the rebuilt Holy Temple (the Beit HaMikdash) in Jerusalem, and to spread the light of Torah to all people. As a result of the confusion, to prove oneself right became more important than peace, harmony, unity, and loving a brother and a sister as oneself. And so it is to this day. This is our current challenge.


Many of us have become aware that Hashem desires His children’s unification with Him and His Torah. The Torah is the glue that keeps the Jewish nation united and cohesive. It is our guiding light. Its teachings are for eternity. Yet some of us believe that this Divine Book was written by man, G-d forbid, or that it is only a history book rather than man’s Instructional Manuel for Living.  Without the Torah we are weak, powerless, and lack direction. The Torah defines Judaism. It is G-d’s word. Hashem desires that we put priority upon three pillars—Him, His Torah, and the Land of Israel. This triad is inseparable, and we cannot purport to love one without the others. Accepting this dilemma as the cause of internal dissension is the first step toward healing and unification. When we pinpoint the problem and take steps to solve it, we discover the truth, and a domino effect occurs where one soul sparks another, and we start journeying to completion. That’s what we are in the process of doing now in this generation.


What does all of this have to do with feminine energy? Our world is changing rapidly. The masculine energies of competition, analysis, strength, physicality, and speed are losing steam and being replaced by feminine energies of cooperation, understanding, gentleness, compassion, intuition, creativity, love, contribution, values, morality, and patience. The spiritual is gradually leading the physical, meaning to say the mind and the soul are uniting to drive the heart and body to where they need to go. This is critical to understand. As an example, the body wants donuts, but the mind and the soul contest the wisdom of that choice and cast their vote for a medley of summer fruits instead. Men are supporting this type of thinking, for we all see the wisdom in it. The divide between what the mind knows is right and what the heart craves is shortening as humanity is taking responsibility and expanding to embrace the bigger picture. It is the power of the feminine influence that is facilitating movement in the direction of unity of the physical and the spiritual.


In the World to Come when the body and soul are in perfect balance, we will see the end to death and dying. The soul will not leave the body because it will have united with it. Belief in the Coming of Mashiach and the Redemption leading to the Resurrection is a fundamental principle of our faith. This is where we are headed. When the feminine element releases its desire to compete with masculine energies but rather seeks to strengthen its own intrinsic type of power, our G-d given talents will vibrate a kind of energetic force that will propel us toward a new dimension focusing on love, peace, harmony, giving, forgiving, and closeness to G-d. It is up to us to propel forward this new phase in the history of our world. The feminine presence will shift the paradigm of our world toward positivism, light, and wholesomeness:  To be holy is to be whole.


G-d loves purity and sanctity in all aspects of life:  Marriage, relationships, speech, business, child-rearing, food consumption, dress, and adornments. In order to facilitate the explosion of that which is wholesome we must be willing to evolve, transform, strengthen positive energy vibrations, and prepare ourselves to be worthy receptacles for Hashem’s glorious light.

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