Discrimination as a Mitzvah?!

We are put in this world to discriminate – between good and evil! A very powerful message!

4 min

David Ben Horin

Posted on 07.03.21

"I can't believe you gave him the job. Why did you do it?" 


Even though the two candidates looked equally qualified on paper, Jack was the stronger applicant.  


"Jack has a proven track record of working on a team. He has less ego and no problem taking instructions from anyone, regardless of seniority, as long as it furthers the goal. Mike puts politics as the only consideration in his decisions." 


"Jack is a white male. Mike is black. Check your privilege, racist." 


"I owe the people working at this company the best team so we can all have jobs to take care of our families." 


"Mike has been through 250 years of slavery. Now you just put him through more oppression." 


"Mike is a jerk who would sell us all out in a second. We don't need people like that on our team." 


"What people? You are a Nazi." 




Her face turned pale.  


“Did you just agree that you are a Nazi?” 


"You believe that a man can put on lipstick and wear a dress. That gives you absolutely zero moral authority to call me a Nazi, a racist, or even a nudnik. We have good people of all colors in this office who I am passionately loyal to. Now get back to work and tell human resources to offer Jack the job." 


We Are Supposed to Discriminate 


"Praiseworthy is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners or sit in the company of scorners.” Psalms 1:1 


According to the Rambam, if your son is being influenced by someone who is pushing him to do evil and you don’t tell him to abandon this person, G-d wil not let you repent.  


If your son has friends who are Sodomites or people of color trying to get him to do immoral deeds, he is Divinely prohibited from putting diversity before discrimination.  


If someone is in your life and he is wicked, his color, gender, anything else don’t matter: You have to get rid of him. One of the worst sins in the Torah is to flatter an evildoer.  


If someone is bad you have to get rid of them. You cannot include them because they are a person of color, a pervert, a Sodomite, or a woman.  


If someone is righteous, and the world is blessed with countless people of color, women, and yes – white males  that are righteous, you want them as close to you as possible.  


Hashem commands us to discriminate. He orders us to be prejudiced. 


It is a Divine obligation to prefer right over wrong. We are supposed to reject evildoers from our life and embrace those who do good. Those who repent. Even those who admit when they make a mistake and sincerely want to try to make it right.   


The REAL Motive behind the Cancel Culture 


For all the race riots, Twitter lynches, and overall harassment against supposed racists and phobes, life has not gotten better for the people they want to protect.  


Defunding the police has terrorized law abiding citizens in inner cities. Regulation and job cuts have prolonged unemployment and despair for the working class.  


Their label of erasing racial boundaries is merely an alibi for something more sinister: They want to erase all boundaries.  


Taking anti-racism to the extreme extends the sin of choosing white over black to a “progressive transgression” of choosing good over bad.  


They use the "racist" argument to force feed us Sodomite unions and allow men to openly dress like perverts and even use women’s restrooms with grave risks. They use racism to keep us from living everywhere in the Land Hashem promises us.  


Being Discriminate with Discrimination 


It’s up to us to hold our ground by admitting the obvious: 


We are put in this world to discriminate – between good and evil. If you call that racist, then so be it. 


Racism is like power. It’s everywhere and you cannot get rid of it. What you can do is accept it and channel it by being diligent to always prefer good people over bad ones.  


To bestow praise and honor on a righteous act, or a righteous person, is to bestow honor to He Who commands us all to be righteous.  


Why does everyone follow Beyonce on Facebook? Because everyone wants to be Beyonce. Why do people wear a Yankee t-shirt with a #2 on the back? We all wish we were Derek Jeter.  


Flattering the righteous is a statement no different than wearing the pinstripes. You are essentially saying: I want to pray like Chana. I want emuna like Rabbi Arush. I want to sing to Hashem like Nissim Black.  


The people calling us racist are not ending racism, they are intensifying it.  


It is our job, regardless of color, gender, or nationality to discriminate the right way and transform the sin of racism into the mitzvah of upholding the universal standard for inclusion set by our Creator in His Book of Psalms: 
Trust in G-d and do good.  


* * * 

David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his wife and children. Since moving to Israel in 2002, David has discovered Torah, writing hi-tech, hiking,  coding  ReactJS Apps, and hearing stories about the Land of Israel from anyone excited to tell them. Check  him  out on  Highway  60 or email him your favorite Israel story at:  david.ben.horin@spreadyourenthusiasm.com 


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