It’s More than Trump vs Biden

Do you want to know the real truth?

5 min

David Ben Horin

Posted on 28.11.20

And the Lord said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two kingdoms will separate from your innards, and one kingdom will become mightier than the other kingdom, and the elder will serve the younger.” (Bereshit, 25:23) 


The Torah explains that there are two main rules concerning Yaakov (the Jewish people) and Esav (Edom, the Western world nations): 

  1. 1. Esav hates Yaakov. 

  1. 2. The two cannot rise together. When Esav is up, Yaakov is down. When Yaakov is up, Esav is down. And the deciding factor  is  Yaakov – wherever he goes,  determines  Esav’s  place. 


From Greece to Rome, Europe, and America, the west is Edom. A hunter. A master of deception. A consumer of flesh, both animal and human. Acting in the worst way but “purifying” it using sanctimonious words 


Things like: 

 – Marriage equality.  

 – Defund the police.  

 – Two states for two peoples.  


This is Edom: Embrace Sodomy, lawlessness, and savagery at the cost of holiness and everything that is right. And create a counter-culture, which defines G-d’s laws as “racist” and bad, and anarchy and twisted judgement as fair and correct.  


This is our enemy. This is Hashem’s enemy 


Our Savior is the King of Kings, the Almighty G-d Himself, Who commands us to live by His code of absolute justice.  


Hashem promises us that if we serve Him, and have faith in Him, we will be the head of nations. We will lend to many, and borrow from none. We will rule over Edom, and Edom will not rule over us.  


As we guard our eyes, the strength of Esav and his descendants will wane, and the rise of Yaakov and his nation will accelerate.  


Whom Do We Serve? 

Rabbi Arush warns us that good times are a greater test than hard times 


When we think of the salvation of the Jewish People, who comes to mind? 


All too often, the figure that emerges in my head is the President of the United States.  


We are not supposed to turn our eyes to a non-Jewish leader, even if his kids and grandchildren are our brethren 


It was easy to see Hashem as our Savior and Shield when Hamas was pulverizing us and Obama was cheering them on. Once his replacement declared Jerusalem our eternal capital, the situation wasn’t so dire. The need not as great to rely on our only Protector 


That was our test.  


To see Hashem not only in a redemption from Obama, but as the Sustainer of Trump. His  victory over Hillary Clinton, the media, big tech, and the thousands of  fraudulent  election  machines in 2016 was clearly Hashem’s doing.  


Haman started out as a barber. The evil one of Germany was a homeless, failed artist.  


A decade before his rise, Harry Truman was a failed retailer. Ronald Reagan an actor.  


Donald Trump was a real estate developer and reality TV star. Unlike Truman and Reagan, he never held office before. His rise defied all reality, the surest sign that it came from G-d. 


We should have seen Hashem’s hand and relied only on Him. That was our chance to rise above Edom.  


Like the first idolaters, we stopped at Hashem’s works, and didn’t see beyond His creations. We saw something other than our Creator in managing the affairs of man.  


Now it is time to rectify it.  


What Now? 

Regardless of the outcome of the legal battles raging in the United States, we have a choice to make.  


To concentrate on Hashem in our prayers, or to review the morning news during the morning blessings.  


To concentrate on the reality that ultimately it is G-d, who did, does and will do everything (Rambam’s 13 Principles of Faith) will decide the outcome of this election and its aftermath. And our choices can influence that decree – for good, or bad. 


To choose to search for the truth, and recognize that what we think we know, might not be the whole truth, or even a little truth.  


If we will search for the truth, and pray to learn the truth, and truly WANT to learn the truth – Hashem will reveal the truth to us, on all levels. 


A Jew must choose Hashem his King every day and focus on it nonstop. This is how we erase Amalek. This is how we defeat Edom.  


This is how we render pointless who is in the White House, the Kremlin, or Buckingham Palace.  


The only leader of this world is our G-d the King of the Universe . . . and I assure you, He is very good for Israel.  


Four Years of Blessing . . . and a Lot More 

In four years, President Trump saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the bellwether for the stock market, surge 54%. Unemployment went down to record levels. Middle Class America, all but wiped out, saw an unprecedented resurgence. His military saw trillions of dollars reinvested to make his nation the most powerful on earth.  


America, for the first time, became the greatest producer of oil on earth.  


His policies led to a vaccine for Coronavirus in six months. Most vaccines take 3-4 years. He saved countless lives.  


He restructured the Supreme Court to change the culture of the nation that sets the culture throughout the world. The new court has the ability to overturn edicts of evil and enforce decency for another 30-40 years.  


He played a primary role in ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. He achieved a ceasefire to a hundred years war.  


Hashem promises He will bless those who bless us.  


President Donald J. Trump has done more for the world in four years than what most leaders have tried to accomplish in 8. His legacy promises to be far greater and lasting than his reign.  


His children and his grandchildren will live to see the coming of Moshiach 


In Israel, there are cities and streets named in his honor.  


Over the last four years, all of us have seen the Majesty of Hashem in how G-d truly blesses those who bless Israel.  


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David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his wife and children. He loves learning Torah, writing hi-tech, coding ReactJS Apps, hearing personal stories about the Land of Israel and sharing all of it with everybody on his Highway 60 app at You are welcome to connect with David or email him at:




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