The Delivery Man

This week is the inauguration of US President Donald Trump; his entrance to the White House is paved with a list of miracles, as well as Hashem's humor...

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 17.03.21

This week, on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America. We pray for his success and that he will be an impetus in getting the USA off its ultra-liberal, immoral collision course with the Almighty and bring it back to the traditional values of the founding fathers, namely, "One nation under G-d."


Mr. Trump would hugely enhance his chances for success by implementing the advice in The Garden of Gratitude and thanking Hashem a few minutes a day for the amazing miracles that won him the election.


Let's look at one of these miracles: it's Hashem's sense of humor – you gotta love it…


What do we mean?


King Solomon, the wisest of any man who ever walked the earth, says: "If someone wants to be a joker, He (Hashem) will joke" (Proverbs 3:34). In other words, Hashem maneuvers things so that an individual's sinister plotting blows up in his own face. King Solomon was talking about the bully in the classroom that puts chewing gum on someone else's chair, but then Hashem arranges that the bully is the one who sits in that chair.


What does this have to do with Donald Trump's victory in the electoral college (Trump 306, Clinton 232) despite his loss of the popular vote by nearly three million votes (Trump 62.9 million, Clinton 65.8 million)?


Pundits and gamblers were saying that Clinton had a 72% chance of winning the election only days before the election day.


Zillionaire anti-Jew Jew George Soros tried to buy the election. Here's what he said in a taped interview:


SOROS: It's going to lead to a landslide for Donald Trump in the popular vote, not in the electoral vote, because there, paid political announcements will have a big role… the popular vote will be a landslide because we are a small minority of extremists… I don't think that Donald Trump has any chance of being elected.


REPORTER: But you think that Hillary Clinton is a done deal?




Hashem proved Soros wrong on both counts. Donald Trump lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote! The very tool that Clinton and Soros tried to undermine in their favor – the Electoral College – became the vehicle that propelled Donald Trump into the White House. Nu, does Hashem have a sense of humor or what?


Before the election, I was getting dozens of emails from concerned people asking me what Israel will do if Clinton gets elected. My answer was always the same – it's not the person who sits in the White House who delivers the goods; it's the One Who sits on the Heavenly Throne.


"Delivery" is an interesting word in English. It has several different meanings. One is "rescue" as in the prayer, deliver us from evil. The second is to bring something, like arranging for the florist to deliver the flowers to your home. The third meaning is the act of giving birth and the fourth meaning is to speak, like to deliver a speech. The fifth meaning is to come through, or succeed, as in "delivering the goods".


Hashem's placement of Donald Trump in the White House exemplifies all of the above five meanings:


First, He rescued the election outcome from any conspiracies of foul play;


Second, He brought a new hope to all who lament America's moral decline;


Third, all though we don't yet know how, Trump's miraculous victory is certainly playing a role in giving birth to the Messianic Era;


Fourth, Hashem is telling us that He runs the world and not the arrogant tyrants and zillionaires.


Fifth, Hashem is showing that it's He alone who delivers the goods and gets things done, as the Rambam says in our first principle of emuna, "He alone did, does and will do every deed."


As much as we wish the new President of the United States success, we must remember that it's not Donald Trump who delivers the goods – its Hashem. The Government of Israel cannot rejoice that they have a friend in the White House while simultaneously continuing their many anti-emuna policies like the legal sanctioning of what the Torah calls abominations. Hashem is the real Delivery Man, and you won't get your goods delivered by going against Him.


By the way, the Delivery Man takes your calls 24/7 and you don't even need a phone. Just talk to Him – He's always available.



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