“El Rey” – The King

Yosef Daniel composes new words for a famous mariachi song to “El Rey”, The King. The song speaks of yearning for the Beit HaMikdash and the full redemption.

1 min

Breslev Israel staff

Posted on 04.01.23

El Rey is an old mariachi song and one of the most famous songs in Spanish music history! When Yosef was asked what prompted him to write a song with the same titlehe replied, “‘El Rey means The King and we know Who the real King is!”  



 Miles y miles de siglos pasan 

 Y Tu nombre suige en lo alto 

 Las aves cantan Tus alabanzas 

 Y yo soñando en tu Bet HaMikdash 

 Y un mundo lleno de eterna paz 


Thousands and thousands of generations pass 

And yet Your name still remains on high 

The birds sing Your praise 

And I’m here dreaming of Your Beis HaMikdash 

And a world of eternal peace 



 Ya se alargó nuestro triste desamparo 

 Pero seguimos esperando Tu Geulah Shelem 

 Muchas naciones desaparecerán  


Our sad abandonment has lasted long enough 

Yet we keep waiting for Your Full Redemption 

Many nations may disappear 



 Pero sigues siendo El Rey del Universo, 

 De mi corazón de mis sentimientos 

 Sigues siendo el rey 

But You still remain the King of the Universe, 

Of my heart and my sentiments 

You still remain the King 



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