Sunscreen – The Emuna Version

Breslev Israel is delighted to introduce its new short film, where in five very enjoyable minutes, you'll learn all you need to know in life...

3 min

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Posted on 04.01.23

Several years ago, film director and music producer Baz Luhrmann came out with a smash hit song entitled “Sunscreen.” He uses lyrics that were written in 1997 by Mary Schmich, a columnist with the Chicago Tribune, which offer advice for life. The different You-Tube versions of the Baz Luhrmann “Sunscreen” became super-viral, with over twelve million views.

With all due respect to Ms. Schmich, we don’t agree with all the advice she gives, since she doesn’t take into account emuna, the pure and simple faith in Hashem. The Breslev Israel team, including film technician Amichai Frisch and yours truly, composed new lyrics and decided to do our own emuna-oriented version of Sunscreen.

In five minutes of enjoyment, you’ll get great advice for life in a nutshell. Enjoy it, and pass it on to your friends. You’ll find the lyrics below the video:

Sunscreen: The Emuna Version
Music: Baz Luhrmann
Lyrics: Lazer Brody

Ladies and gentlemen of the 21st Century:

Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, even better than sunscreen, emuna would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas my advice about pure and simple faith, what we call emuna, has been handed down from Moses on Mount Sinai. With G-d’s loving grace, I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your soul. To do so, you must develop your own personal relationship with G-d. Once you do, the day will come when you’ll look back at  yourself and realize that you could never have been truly happy without talking to Him every single day. He loves you so much because you are His own beloved child. You are much more special than you imagine.

Don’t fret about the past and don’t worry about the future. Worrying is as effective as trying to cross the ocean by putting on your roller skates. The real troubles in your life come from forgetting that you have a soul that’s a tiny part of G-d, and by giving first priority to the body.

Focus on your good points every day.

Always keep a song in your head and talk to God in your own words.

Don’t be reckless with other people’s feelings. Forgive those who are reckless with yours.

Anger is the worst poison on earth, so don’t let it penetrate your heart, ever.

Jealousy is senseless. Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. You’re not competing against anyone but your own negative inclinations. You have a job on earth that no one else can do.

Don’t rejoice about compliments you receive and don’t be upset about the insults. They’re both from G-d, and all for our ultimate good.

Thank G-d for the past and ask for all your your needs in future.

Exercise and don’t eat junk food.

Do something new every day. Don’t be afraid to declare a new beginning in life, even if you’re over 65. 

Read a lot. Avoid passive entertainment. It ruins the brain. Folks who don’t use their brains end up missing them they’ve degenerated and gone.

People who try to act like someone else never discover their own precious capabilities, so be yourself and rejoice in your individuality. Whatever you do, don’t take credit for your accomplishments and don’t persecute yourself when you have a setback. Don’t ever complain about what seems to be bad, because everything comes from G-d, and it’s all for the best.

Enjoy your power of prayer. Use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of what other people think of it. Personal prayer and your ability to talk to G-d 24/7 are the greatest gifts you’ll ever have.

Dance, even if you have no one to dance with except a tree in the field.

Do not read advertisements. They will only make you feel like you’re lacking something in life.

Get to know your Father in Heaven, but don’t try to understand Him. When you believe in Him, miracles will become natural occurrences in your life.

Understand that fad spirituality comes and goes, but emuna – you’re own pure and simple faith in G-d – is something ever so precious to hold on to. Emuna will expand your horizons and carry you way beyond the limits of nature, for emuna is above nature.

Don’t focus on making money, because money never stays with you. But, no one can ever take your charitable deeds away from you. Focus on making this world a little better that the way you found it.

Be grateful for everything. Rejoice when you get your soul back every single morning. Take nothing for granted, and be happy with every tiny blessing in life. 

Respect your elders.

As long as you keep trying, you’re never a loser. A winner is someone who never gives up. Above all, don’t ever compromise on your dreams and aspirations. Share them with G-d in your daily conversations with Him. Don’t delay talking to G-d, because the time will come when you wish you did.

Be careful whose advice you take. Judge others as you’d like them to judge you; better yet, don’t judge them at all. Don’t give anyone advice that you wouldn’t give yourself; if you don’t walk it, don’t talk it.

But trust me on the emuna; it’s better than sunscreen.

Tell us what you think!

1. Love


Great 🙂 🙂 😀

You're great!! I'll send this to my friends! But trust me on the emuna; it's better than sunscreen. 🙂

2. Love


You're great!! I'll send this to my friends! But trust me on the emuna; it's better than sunscreen. 🙂

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