Are We There Yet?

Our sages tell us Moshiach will come in a blink of an eye, just like our Redemption from Egypt. This will be an epic occasion no one will want to miss!

3 min

Chaya Golda Ovadia

Posted on 31.07.23

It seems like almost every time our family gets together, the conversation somehow turns into a discussion about the days which are upon us. [Editor’s Note: this article was written in 2011] With a world turned upside down, it is a very real possibility that Mashiach is just around the corner. Impending wars threatening our existence, extreme natural disasters, cataclysmic weather and unheard of violence can only be attributed to G-d sending us serious messages. 
It seems that I have been labeled as the one who is always saying ‘when Mashiach comes’, as if it is going to happen tomorrow, but never does. Well, they got me on that one. I do like to remind everyone that we must think and act as if his arrival is imminent because we are instructed to do so, plus I believe it with my heart and soul. The Rambam (Hebrew acronym for Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, also known as Maimonides), wrote the ‘Thirteen Principles of Faith’ which is the basic ideology a Jew is obligated to accept.  Principle number twelve states, ‘I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Mashiach; and even though he may tarry, nonetheless I wait every day for his coming’. So when my children remind me that I have been preaching about Mashiach’s impending arrival for several years already, my retort is always the same; “Yes, and it will happen, G-d willing, soon!”
It’s like going on a long family trip when inevitably one of the kids would pipe up with “Are we there yet”? “No, not quite” is the usual reply. They know they want to get to the destination even though they have never been there before. The anticipation is exciting, but it’s just taking SO long. If we use this restless period wisely, it will not be an empty, wasted space of time, but a growing, strengthening phase.  Just as preparations for a trip are of the utmost importance, we too must organize ourselves in advance of our future.  Unlike a vacation where we generally know the route and G-d willing, arrive with ease, life is not so simple. We must arm ourselves with all the spiritual ammunition available to break through the barriers the yetzer hora (evil inclination) has set up for us.  To attain the much sought-after tickets into the King’s Palace is a challenge but not one which is beyond our reach. Desire is half the battle and the rest is a little hard work and dedication. 
Kids will be kids, so being confined to a cramped car may result in the occasional tense moment along the way. What better opportunity to teach them how to get along with each other, to reinforce their emuna and help them to work out their conflicts peacefully. Children learn from adult example, so smiling, happy parents are worth their weight in gold. A bickering Mom and Dad can only foster the same attitude in their offspring.  In a world full of hardship and strife, children who are raised on Torah values filled with love, unity and fear of Hashem, ensure the continuity of mankind’s existence, in addition to earning prime seats in the World to Come.  It does wonders for the travel atmosphere as well.
Most knowing individuals truly long for Mashiach, but the question is, why? If we yearn for Mashiach simply to end all of our suffering and pain, we are back to the ‘me’ complex. Do we look forward to being worry-free of financial problems, health issues or marital woes because it will make OUR lives easier or do we crave for it altruistically, for the sake of Heaven? We must switch gears to arrive at the latter ultimate goal.  We should throw off all weighty baggage to enable us to be free and unencumbered of earthly obstacles in order to serve Hashem in holy, devoted joy.  In return, we will finally be able to sing and dance with the glorious delight we have waited for since the beginning of time.
As expected on such a long journey, someone always falls asleep in the back seat. Too much sleep is not healthy and now is certainly not the time.  It is our duty to shake them up and keep them awake.  Otherwise, not only will they neglect to see the extraordinary scenery along the way, but they might fail to recognize the greatest moment of all. Like driving through a small village, if one blinks they will miss it. Our sages tell us Mashiach will come in a blink of an eye, just like our Redemption from Egypt. This will be an epic occasion no one will want to miss! We should never lose hope that it will in fact take place one day, because as Rebbe Nachman says in Likutei Moharan 2:78, there is no despair in the world.  G-d willing, the next time our brother inquires “Are we there yet?” we will finally be able to answer YES!
May it be soon, in the coming days, AMEN!

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