Birth Pains

Anyone who has been blessed to give birth can testify that the most intense desire to end the agony occurs during the transition period, right before the baby crowns…

4 min

Chaya Golda Ovadia

Posted on 01.08.23

“Be strong and courageous; for thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land which I swore unto their fathers to give them”(6) “Be strong and courageous; be not frightened, neither be thou dismayed: for the L-RD thy G-d is with thee wherever thou goest(9)  (Joshua 1:6 and 1:9)
Have you ever had an intuitive feeling about something, knowing it is finally going to happen? Even though certain events have led you to believe it was so close in the past, nothing ever came of it. No one wants to be like the boy who cried wolf which is partially why it is not a good idea to make predictions and we are actually forbidden from doing so. The resulting disappointment could cause us to lose hope or even worse, lose our faith. This time it is different though, and one would have to be blind not to see the writing on the wall. Give or take a few minor differences, all our Rabbis are basically saying the same thing. I am, of course, referring to our long awaited Redemption and the revelation of Mashiach, our much needed Righteous Leader.
As of this writing, things are pretty much operating according to the status quo, that is, our perception of existence vis-à-vis nature and the processes we consider to be normal. Meanwhile, environmental disasters are occurring at an unprecedented rate; Storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions have caused untold numbers of casualties and displaced tens of thousands of people. The Japanese nuclear reactor, spewing radiation into the land, air and sea, is on the brink of a massive meltdown, the consequences of which can only boggle the mind. Violent demonstrations have broken out within several Arab countries and now Libya is at war with NATO coalition forces including U.S., U.K. and France. Within Israel, Gaza is ‘heating up’ with massive rounds of mortars being fired are our bases and population centers. As many times in the past, it is only through G-d’s Grace that there have been no serious injuries thus far. Our retaliation by way of air strikes is like cutting weeds down with shears. Without digging out the roots, they will constantly return.
Simultaneously, our blood curdled over the horrific murders of five members of the holy Fogel family, leaving three precious orphans. Still reeling from this nightmare and just two days after Purim, the absence of terror attacks in our beloved country was heartlessly revived as a bomb detonated within a crowd of commuters waiting at a bus stop in Jerusalem. Chaos is almost at its peak, spiraling upwards like a violent funnel cloud.
As our enemies threaten to wipe us off the map with their upgraded missiles, provoking us with dire warnings of a new intifada, we can take solace in the knowledge that Hashem will protect us. It is G-d, after all, Who caused all these events to transpire in the first place. It is our Father in Heaven Who is directing the world in its precisely intended path, all for our sake. The earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and volcanic eruptions are part of the plan. (And as Rav Lazer Brody and other Rabbis have said, these are wake up calls and a big hint to come to live in Israel). On Rosh Hashanah we solemnly recite “Who shall live, and who shall die; who by water, and who by fire; who by sword, and who by beast; who by hunger, and who by thirst; who by earthquake, and who by plague; Who by strangulation and who by stoning,”.  Never before, at least in this century, have these methods of death been such a high probability nor did they seem remotely relevant. Heart attacks, strokes, cancer, car accidents and plain old age – those are the means by which most people come to their end of life in this world. Drownings, fires, earthquakes and death by a sword were sporadic and rare occurrences. Suddenly, these calamities are a significant danger to each and every one of us, potentially taking down thousands in one fell swoop.
The days before Mashiach are referred to as birth pangs (chevlei Mashiach). Aside from the obvious comparison to pain and suffering, labor causes many physical changes which we are now seeing throughout the world. The massive earthquake in Japan actually changed the global landscape and caused the earth to shift. Just as a woman’s body must alter itself to accommodate the new life she will soon be delivering, our world is required to undergo major changes as well, so it can adapt to a new reality. Her severe contractions facilitate the passage of her precious infant, ultimately bestowing limitless joy upon her and her family. So too, G-d willing, will the violent decrees ravaging the world eventually allow Mashiach to bring indescribable delight to mankind.
Anyone who has been blessed to give birth can testify that the most excruciating pain and the most intense desire to end the agony occur during the transition period, right before the baby crowns. Thankfully, it is also the shortest part of the labor process. It is important to inform all newly expectant mothers that during this phase, when she wants to give up and feels she can’t handle any more, realize the end is close at hand. A little reassurance will help her over this crucial stage. We can take this advice to heart in relation to these days of upheaval as well. With so much anguish, so many disasters and such violence in the world, it is often difficult to be strong. It is during this transition period when we must draw on our emuna and understand that these extreme phenomena are simply the darkness before the light, before the crowning of a new age.
Like all milestones in our lives, adequate preparation beforehand can make the experience a pleasant one. If we don’t brace ourselves with the proper tools, we won’t be ready to endure all that is in store. That which has the potential to bring bliss to the world also has the power to create a fiasco of unlimited proportions. It all depends on us! How do we ensure a happy ending with a minimum amount of turbulence? Giving our best effort, we must fulfill Hashem’s Will, increasing our learning and actions regarding Torah, Mitzvot, Holiness and Emuna. If we go out of our way to be kind to others and make their lives more bearable, it will perfect the world in some aspect thereby bringing down more of the Almighty’s Light. Perhaps through these endeavors, HaKadosh Baruch Hu will no longer have to conceal His face from us and the gloom will be replaced with gladness through one small and effortless push.
B’sha’ah Tova – May it be in the right time! 

Tell us what you think!

1. Miriam


He who tries to hurts or tries to hurt Israel will pay the price…. Chaya, once again you have written an amazing blog. Your insight and understanding of world tragedies,floods, earthquakes etc. is right on the mark. I have always said, 'every dog gets his day' and that goes for both countries and leaders who want to see Israel disappear and or befriend our enemies.Our days on this earth are predetermined….how we live them is up to us.. Last week, I read it was 6,000 days since the expulsion of Gush Katif..some families have been settled and others are still roaming from place to place……and the author of this calamity..well you know where he is… We need Moshiacha now to save us from ourselves… I will conclude using your words…Giving our best effort, we must fulfill HaShem’s Will, increasing our learning and actions regarding Torah, Mitzvot, Holiness and Emuna. Nothing more has to be said.

2. Miriam


Chaya, once again you have written an amazing blog. Your insight and understanding of world tragedies,floods, earthquakes etc. is right on the mark. I have always said, 'every dog gets his day' and that goes for both countries and leaders who want to see Israel disappear and or befriend our enemies.Our days on this earth are predetermined….how we live them is up to us.. Last week, I read it was 6,000 days since the expulsion of Gush Katif..some families have been settled and others are still roaming from place to place……and the author of this calamity..well you know where he is… We need Moshiacha now to save us from ourselves… I will conclude using your words…Giving our best effort, we must fulfill HaShem’s Will, increasing our learning and actions regarding Torah, Mitzvot, Holiness and Emuna. Nothing more has to be said.

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