Chasing After G-d

The more careful we are about what we look at, and what we listen to and what we say, the more our hearts will be purified, the more we'll be able to perceive G-d...

4 min

Dr. Zev Ballen

Posted on 17.03.21

If we fill our minds with Torah and with devotion to G-d; and we try to program our minds with positive thoughts; and we purify our minds as much as possible by being as careful as we can be about what we see, hear and say, then our knowledge of G-d will increasingly start to filter down into our hearts, and will increasingly purify our emotions and actions, as well.
Increasingly, we'll want to do more good deeds and to follow His commandments, and doing good deeds for other people, in particular, is the main source of a person's strength. As the level of our knowledge of G-d increases, then one good deed that we'll certainly want to do more of is to chase after people and tell them about G-d. It's so beautiful to see G-d in everything; it's so compelling and inspiring, that we'll want everyone to have that gift. We'll want everyone to live their lives devoted to G-d, and to be speaking to Him on a regular basis. As we get to know G-d more, we'll want to chase after others and share with them that this world is a world of illusions, but that we can still all find the truth.
This is such a fundamental lesson, it bears repeating: the more careful we are about what we look at, and what we listen to and what we say, the more our hearts will be purified, the more we'll be able to perceive G-d in every area of our lives, and the more we'll want to do good deeds. And in particular, we'll want to do the good deed of turning other people on to the possibility of developing their own, much deeper, relationship with the Al-mighty.
There's another, additional benefit that comes from sharing our deeper perceptions of G-d, namely that when we speak to other people about emuna, it completes our own knowledge even more. That's one of the reasons why tzaddikim like Rabbi Arush and Rabbi Brody are chasing after people with books and CDs. These type of people are not worried about money, health, life insurance, kids, or anything. Again, a defining characteristic of tzadikim is that they feel they have no lack in life. These people are with G-d; they know they can pray and get whatever they need, and they are also praying night and day for the needs of the whole world, too. Rabbi Arush and Rabbi Brody are not purposefully sharing their understanding of G-d with us in order to achieve even greater closeness with G-d but that is probably the greatest side benefit that accrues to anyone who puts others before themselves. They achieve very high levels of perfection in their service of G-d.
The same is true of the whole team, each of whom is a peak performer in their own right. These people are the cream of the crop, and they are the best there is at what they do, but instead of making million-dollar deals, or pulling off the sale of the century, or running billion-dollar companies, now they have joined forces to spread emuna. In the process, they are increasing their knowledge of G-d, and reaching more exalted levels of serving and perceiving G-d.
When we pass on to the next world, all we bring with us is the level of understanding of G-d that we managed to achieve in our lifetimes. Rebbe Nachman once explained that the reason why so many people are so far from G-d, is because they aren't clear-headed. If he could say that of his time, around 200 years' ago, what can we even begin to say about ours?
Our heads are so clogged up with irrelevant stuff! Just think of all the things that we're constantly looking at on our iPhones, or that we're drawn after on the internet; think of all the advertising and marketing and movies and loud music, all the sensory overload that is modern life in the 21st century. Who, today, has any room in their minds to focus on what's really important?
With all the distractions of modern life, how can anyone find the time and inclination to learn Torah and actually enjoy it? Or to serve G-d with true joy, happily, without one eye on the clock or on the bank account? Or to see the Divine Hand in every facet of our lives, even the sad, unpleasant and traumatic parts? It's not easy, but there is a way, and we've just been learning about it. We need to continually make every effort to see the positive in every thought, feeling and experience we have; and we have to talk to G-d at every opportunity, to make Him into a reality for us. We need to repeat over and over again that G-d loves us and wants a full-on, full-time relationship with us! We need to make our perceptions and understanding of G-d a part of us.
For some of us, that means going into a field and talking to Him for an hour every single day. But even if we're unable to do that, we can still focus on finding every opportunity to talk to G-d throughout the day, whether we're waiting in line, or under our bed covers, whispering to Him. If it was good enough for King David to talk to G-d when he was in his bed, it certainly shouldn't be beneath us!

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