Shortcuts or Short Paths?

Part 2 of Shortcuts. Everyone is looking for shortcuts to success, and Rabbi Arush continues explaining the most important shortcut in life that there is.

3 min

Rabbi Shalom Arush

Posted on 08.05.23

The two stages I just explained (Rabbi Arush Teaches Us a Shortcut Part 1) bring us naturally to the Third Stage – a stage which requires of you a lot of responsibility to do a little bit of effort. But in light of what I just explained, this is really the only effort that will actually bring you results.


Step Three – Act Properly

Since prayer is the only vessel you have to win the war against the Evil Inclination – you are therefore required to set aside daily time for yourself to pray! There is no other way. You already learned that without prayer, you have no possibility of winning. So what’s the obvious conclusion? Wait around to get attacked?! No! Rather, precede the healing to the sickness. Go kill your enemy before he kills you. The Gemara says that the EI is renewed every day – if so, in order to beat him you need to pray every single day. If we want to level the playing field, we absolutely must set time aside for ourselves with the utmost regularity and strictness to stand and pray and plead every day anew, to choose the good every day anew, to bring upon ourselves fresh Seata Dishamaya (Divine Guidance) every single day!


This is the simple and straight conclusion. Every single healthy person wants to move forward and wants to succeed. Here you received the way to succeed. Take it seriously and success is guaranteed.


OK it’s true. We still need to explain the practical side of things. But we can say even now, that the practical aspect is very, very simple and worthwhile for everyone. The essential part is your willingness to make a strong decision and take upon yourself: “I will win! I will fight! I will not give in or despair! This is my life’s mission and with Hashem’s help I will do it! Therefore I will set aside time, no matter what happens!”


Setting aside an hour a day to pray – it isn’t impossible, it is really not in Heaven – you can really do it. Your gains will be gigantic and winner takes all – either you get the entire pot, or nothing at all.


But I remind you again, that you must take the first two steps with you into this step. You won’t be able to pray as long as you are beating yourself up, think you’re bad and are drowning in sadness. And you must put your energy into prayer where you need it, and not waste energy searching for other solutions and trying other paths that are not in your power. Rather, focus your energies on praying every single day, as an iron-clad rule.


Part 3 – WIN! Practical advice for personal prayer


Editor’s comment: In these two articles, Rabbi Arush teaches us the foundation of all positive personal change. This is the basis of serving Hashem and succeeding in life, and overcoming our sadness, depression and all of our negative personality traits and lusts along the way – on one foot (or two articles)! You must review these articles over and over if you have any hope of truly integrating them into your life. It might even help to print them out and review them before you start your daily personal prayer session.


Don’t forget to pray for prayer! Ask Hashem to help you truly understand what Rabbi Arush explains in these articles, and implement them. Just tell Hashem: “I WANT to really understand and live this! Help me!”


And wherever is in bold is right from Rabbi Arush.

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