Noach: Truth and Tefillah (Prayer)

The “tzohar” of Noach’s ark teaches us something important about how to pray when we just can’t concentrate on the words…

2 min

Moshe Neveloff

Posted on 08.11.21

There is an interesting verse in this week’s Torah portion regarding G-d’s command to Noach to build an ark, due to the decree of the approaching flood: “A tzohar shall you make for the Ark…” (Chapter 6, Verse 16). Rashi brings two opinions from the Midrash Raba regarding what this tzohar actually was. Some of the Sages say it was a window, like a skylight, and others say it was a precious, shining stone. 


Based on this verse from the portionRebbe Nachman brings an amazing teaching about truth. When a person stands in prayer before G-d, many times he finds it hard to pray properly with intention and find the words he wants to express because of the bad thoughts and bad spiritual forces which come against him and surround him. He finds himself in spiritual darkness and he can’t pray.


Rebbe Nachman says that the advice for this situation is to express words of truth. Whatever words of prayer you can say, say them with truth. Truth is like the shining gem or the rays of sunlight coming through the window. Don’t pray to G-d about something which you don’t even feel connected to at that moment, rather you should say what’s on your heart at that time“Hashem I feel really frustrated right now because…please help me “This situation is really painful for me, I don’t know what to do, please send me good advice...” “I am sad/upset/angry right now about X situation, but I really want to pray with happiness and focus right now…” The words which come out of your mouth that are 100% true create an opening for you in the darkness in which you find yourself, and then you’ll be able to pray from the depths of your heart (Likutei Moharan, Part 1, Teachings 9 & 112). 


I learned this teaching in the past year with a friend, and the powerful message of the importance of speaking the truth before G-d made a strong impression on me. He wants our words. Hashem wants us to express before Him what we are really feeling and going through at that time, and not what we think we are supposed to say, or what the voices of others tell us we should say.  


This teaching is helping me to be honest with myself when I take time for personal prayer. I try to take some deep breaths and compose myself. I try to listen to what my heart is telling me and express my thoughts, feelings and desires. I also see that in my marriage, many times I struggle with being open and honest with my wife about something which is causing me doubts or confusion. However, when I do open up and share with her my thoughts and feelings, it helps me to find clarity and strength. 


Rebbe Nachman says in the same teaching mentioned above to remember this principle very well, and speak only the truth, because it’s a great and fundamental point upon which everything depends in the service of G-d. Truth is the light of G-d himself, and Hashem’s “seal” so to speak. If G-d’s light is shining upon us, then there’s no darkness which can trap us. G-d wants us to be simple, real and honest –something which in these times has become more and more difficult for many people.  


We should all merit to live with this teaching and reveal it more and more in our lives, amen! 



Republished with permission from 

Tell us what you think!

1. Gershon Weissman


Excellent teaching about Tzohar, being our light beam to HaShem helping us to offer our prayers of truth from our hearts even if we find it difficult to recite the written prayers. Today! Shabbat Shalom

2. Savta


Thank you for these helpful words. Love Ema

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