Shmini: Every Day is a New Creation

We try to improve ourselves and turn to Hashem for help. Even if we fall, Rebbe Nachman says that everything will turn for the best and we will reach our goal.

3 min

Moshe Neveloff

Posted on 03.04.24

At the end of this week’s Torah portion, there is a section which talks about the laws of kashrut, which types of animals are kosher to eat and which are not. This chapter also discusses which objects become contaminated due to contact with a non-kosher small, creeping animal: “And if its carcass will fall upon any edible seed that has been planted, it remains pure. But if water has been placed upon a seed and then their carcass falls upon it, it is contaminated to you” (Chapter 11, Verses 37-38) 


Rabbi Natan of Breslev teaches that water, in general, represents our faith in Hashem as the Creator of the World, this is called emunat chidush haolam – the belief in the renewal of the world. The Sages teach in the Jerusalem Talmud, as does Rashi on the first verse of the book of Genesis, that water preceded the creation of the physical world – plants, animal life, human life, etc. The main aspect of believing in the renewal and creation of the world, Rabbi Natan says, is to believe in the beginning of creation which was the water, which means to believe that Hashem created the world something from completely nothing. Afterwards from the water, God created the rest of creation. Wprimarily need to strengthen ourselves to believe in the beginning of Hashem’s creation, because the rest of the world which Hashem created after the beginning is not as much a wondrous thing for peoplesince we see the wonders of creation each day. We see every day and every moment the renewal of Hashem’s creation. For example, we see that the sun sets in the evening and it becomes dark and, in the morning, God renews the light of the sun and the sun rises. Another example of the wonder of creation, Rabbi Natan says, is how from one grain of wheat there can grow from it many high stalks with several hundred grains of wheat… Since water has this special quality that it was created before all the other physical creations, it purifies somebody or something from impurity. It’s impossible to enter into any aspect of holiness without water, without immersing in a mikveh or washing your hands or your body in water. For example, the Kohanim need to wash their hands before they bless the congregation at shul. On the other hand, we find that water can also receive impurity, and food does not receive impurity unless it comes in contact with water first.  


The main aspect of holiness and purity comes from belief in Hashem’s renewal of creation. Emuna (faith) is the main vessel to achieve holiness and purity, and the opposite is true, the main aspect of impurity and strict judgement comes from heresy. They are both connected to water. Someone who merits to have true faith will receive all of the levels of holiness and purity, and these levels are drawn from the beginning of creation, when Hashem created water something from nothing (Likutei Halachot, Laws of Blessings on Smells, 4th teaching). 


This teaching caught my attention this week because of how Purim was for me last month. On Purim it’s a mitzvah to drink more than you usually would and become drunk until you can’t tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman. I took things too far this year, drank too much at the festive meal and by the time we got home from the family’s house who hosted us, I was vomiting in our parking lot. The next thing I knew I woke up the next morning at 6:15am in our reclining chair in the living room in a bad state. I was sick all day that day, and still felt very weak the next day as well. My family was scared that I had lost control and gotten so sick from the drinking.  


I felt terrible both physically and emotionally. I knew that I had messed up. However, I thought to myself – “all that I can do is to start over and do teshuva (apologize and take responsibility). Despite feeling so terrible I wanted to begin again.  


The only way that I can explain this is faith. Faith is above our understanding and our feelings. Faith is believing that even if today was (really) bad, tomorrow can be completely different, because tomorrow is a different creation. We believe that Hashem renews creation every day.  


I’m thankful that Hashem gave me the strength and the good thoughts to begin again, from the beginning. When we are trying to grow and change and improve ourselves and we turn to Hashem to ask for help, even if we fall down, Rebbe Nachman says that in the end everything will turn around for the best and we will reach our goals. This teaching means on a practical level that we can always renew ourselves; we can truly change and we don’t need to stay stuck in all kinds of bad behaviors and thinking patterns which we feel we have no way of changing. We can change things for the better in our lives and begin again. 



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