Sukkot, Hoshana Raba, Simchat Torah

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The Secret Weapon

Sukkot and Simchat Torah prepared us to fight our inner spiritual battles with confidence of success. The Kalever Rebbe shows us our secret weapon ...


From Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur we all become so forgiving to everyone. But what happens the day after? That’s when we have to restart, once again…

The Ushpizin

When the People of Israel leave their homes and enter the sukkah for the sake of Hashem's Name, they merit to welcome the Divine presence there, and all the seven shepherds...

Sukkot Recipes

Celebrate the Sukkot holidays with these great recipes from Jamie Geller. Salads, side dishes, and main courses are featured. Try them out and see for yourself!

Willow in the Wind

Kalman looked up from his butcher block and he saw some menacing Cossacks in the doorway. "Jhid," they sneered in Russian, "the day of your funeral has arrived"...

An Injection of Motivation

After the Ten Days of Repentance, and before we go off on our way starting the new year, Hashem gives us a gigantic “injection” of “do good.” That injection is called – the holiday of Sukkot.

Uncomfortable Comfort

Sukkot can be one's practice of happily doing Hashem's Will even when uncomfortable! Living outside one's comfort zone has far-reaching implications - read Pinney Wolman's insight from battling mosquitos and heat!

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