CD – “A Gift Whose Name is Thank You” – Disk 2

See also Disk #1.


Thirteen tracks:


1. Opening words by Harav Arush

2. Song – "Thank You, Abba"

3. Story – "New Friends"

4. Song – "Hashem Always Loves Me"

5. Story – "My Thank You Notebook"

6. Song – "Ein Kelokeinu"

7. Story – "To Wake Up From Sleep"

8. Song – "Abba'le, What a Beautiful World"

9. Story – "The 'Sandwich' Girl"

10. Song – "Psalm of Thanksgiving"

11. Story – "An Emuna Party"

12. Song – "Anim Zemirot"

13. Concluding words and Harav's prayer for the children


The team is responsible for producing and processing the disc: Gil Kaftan, Yitzhak Azulay, David Ada, Assaf Zamir, Ariel Levy, Amit Yitzhak, and the cherished children of Chut shel Chessed.


Tunes for the original songs – composing, editing, recording, and mixing – Siattah D'shmaya.



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SKU: cd-toda 2
description of book See also Disk #1.   Thirteen tracks:   1. Opening words by Harav Arush 2. Song – "Thank You, Abba" 3. Story – "New Friends" 4. Song – "Hashem Always Loves Me" 5. Story – "My Thank You Notebook" 6. Song – "Ein Kelokeinu" 7. Story – "To Wake Up From Sleep" 8. Song – "Abba'le, What a Beautiful World" 9. Story – "The 'Sandwich' Girl" 10. Song – "Psalm of Thanksgiving" 11. Story – "An Emuna Party" 12. Song – "Anim Zemirot" 13. Concluding words and Harav's prayer for the children   The team is responsible for producing and processing the disc: Gil Kaftan, Yitzhak Azulay, David Ada, Assaf Zamir, Ariel Levy, Amit Yitzhak, and the cherished children of Chut shel Chessed.   Tunes for the original songs – composing, editing, recording, and mixing – Siattah D'shmaya.    

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