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The Exciting Show

We all have times when our prayer or learning is done with a coldness, a lack of interest, and devoid of any enthusiasm. What's the answer? The Kalever Rebbe gives practical advice... 

How a Banana became a Jewish Vegetable

In the simple act of choosing which blessing to recite over your food, you find profound lessons on life and spirituality. Whether it's a banana or an olive, each choice reflects the eternal cycle of life, growth, and renewal.

Always Happy

How can a person accept the bad things in their lives with the same joy they feel when good things happen? Even if we intellectually understand the concept, can we control our emotions to the point of not being sad? 

Enjoy Yourself!

A mitzvah that is done with simcha (happiness) is rewarded a thousand times more than a person who does the mitzvah but feels burdened by it. 

The Secret of the Geula

Hashem loves the Jewish people like a father who loves his son simply because he is his son, and not because of the son's deeds. Rabbi Arush explains how we all can merit such a relationship with Hashem.

The Thing We Lack Most 

The Temple is a reflection of the true Jewish home that brings its members closer to each other and closer to Hashem. This is why we desperately need the Beit HaMikdash today, in our world of darkness and distance from Hashem.

What You Must Know

Every person feels to some degree that he has reached a state that is beyond forgiveness. Read Rabbi Arush’s encouraging message that Hashem wants His children to know how much He loves them and how much He is ALWAYS willing to forgive them. 

Arriving At One’s Rightful Place in Peace 

In our generation, despite many Torah classes, there is still a leadership crisis. War brings this difficulty into focus even more. We must pray intensely that Hashem will reveal the true tzaddikim, wisdom, and daat that can help the entire Jewish People! 

So-called Extremists

There is tremendous reward for those who hold fast to Yiddishkeit in the face of ridicule. For every committed Jew, there many who mock him and call him “extremist” and "right-winger".

We Must Unite!

Rabbanim tell us that they are seeing a wave of teshuvah never seen before. What is the surest sign that our teshuvah is sincere? When there is unity amongst ourselves! 

Our Main Weapon

A Jew’s most powerful weapon is his pure emunah in Hashem. A Jew can grow his emuna by praying, by wearing tefillin with Shema, Yisrael, or even when discussing daily events. Through this, may we merit the downfall of our enemies. 

War and Revenge

We do not celebrate the death of our enemies, nor do we take revenge. Jews are guided by emuna that everything is from Hashem - even war. 

Lift Up Your Eyes!

Closed eyes and a closed heart – what's the connection? When we look to Hashem, He looks back at us with intense love and desire to bring the final Geula. We begin to see all of the miracles and salvations that Hashem is constantly doing for us, right now!

Don’t Be Sad

Learn the lesson of Yosef and his brothers. A person cannot live a happy life when he is constantly jealous of others. Don't allow this negative emotion to entrap you in a state of depression! Rather, live a happy life that is void of hatred and jealousy.

Spiritual Murderers

The Zohar predicted that the darkness of Hellenism would return in the days before Mashiach. How clearly we can see the darkness of assimilation in our day! The Kalever Rebbe explains how to drive out our personal darkness. 

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