Your Greatest Asset

If you'd like to get healthier, slimmer, energetic, alive - start steering your free will in the direction of these goals and watch what happens. Take the first step…

3 min

Yardena Slater

Posted on 30.05.23

Almost every day I hear from a friend or client about the fact that the main reason they’re not stepping up their health and energy levels usually boils down to not having enough of the following two commodities:

1.  Time.
2.  Money.

The ILLUSION of Time and Money

Please remember Jewish brothers and sisters: we are a nation that has lived through centuries of persecution, pogroms and massacres by the great nations of the world such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans yet we are still here while they have faded into history. As Mark Twain so eloquently put it, “The Jew… is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. …He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. (“Concerning The Jews,” Harper’s Magazine, 1899)

I’m sure you know this but I think it bears repeating that the state of Israel has been at war for over 60 years, with terror attacks and boycotts by its neighbors to boot. Yet at the same time it has transformed an arid dessert into an agricultural boon, and evolved into one of the most technologically innovative countries in the world, standing out time and again on the NASDAQ. Israel’s brains, energy, integrity and contribution to the high tech revolution has been acknowledged and commended by the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. 

The really amazing thing about coming from the history that we as Jews come from is the absolute knowing that the only thing that really matters is the one thing you can never lose—your royal status as the beloved daughter or son of the King of kings, a member of Hashem’s Am Segula, treasured nation.

So what about time and money?

Yes, time and money are important – VERY. Yet there is another factor to reaching your dreams and goals that is even more important – YOU. 

Rebbe Nachman teaches, “Everything you see in the world – everything that exists – is there for the sake of free will, in order to test people. The entire world and all that it contains were created to give man free will.”  Sichot Haran #300; Chayey Moharan #519

If you’d like to get healthier, slimmer, more vibrant, energetic, alive… start steering your free will in the direction of  these goals and watch what happens. Do something. Take the first step. Just DO IT! And see how alive you start to feel. Hashem, the King of kings, Creator of all worlds, who also happens to be your loving Father, will send you what you need to make your priorities happen when you know and act according to what your priorities truly are

 “Human thought has tremendous power. Thought alone can bring about many things. Even prices in the market rise because of people’s thoughts and expectations. When thought is concentrated intensely, it can exert great influence. All the faculties of the mind, conscious and unconscious, down to the innermost point, must be focused without distraction on the intended result. When many people do this together, their thoughts can actually force what they are thinking to come about. The concentrated thought must spell out every step of the desired result in detail. It is not enough for the thought to be merely overall, because this is an “incomplete vessel” and may even be deceptive…” Sichot Haran #62

Let’s get back to our ancestral chutzpa and feel the confidence and joy of knowing that Hashem is with us always, both in dream and action. This is our greatest asset! No matter how much time or money you have – the gift of free choice to have emuna, faith, that you can do anything with Hashem’s help – that you can be happy, confident, certain, and courageous because Hashem is always with you and everything He does is good, does not have a price tag or time constraints. 

“Man is unique in his greatness. When a person does like this with his hands, a movement like this takes place in all the worlds! And when he does like that with his hands, a movement like that takes place in all the worlds! If you could turn a person inside out, you would see that thousands upon thousands of worlds depend on every single sinew of his body.”  Chayei Moharan #504-5

Whatever step towards health you’ve wanted to take but haven’t – start now and pray daily for Divine Assistance to help you remain consistent. Or feel free to email me for tips on how to begin. Watch what happens! There is nothing like waking up from our eating-induced slumber and embracing the vibrant bounty of healthy nourishment showered upon us daily by our loving Father and King. 

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