Let’s Go Make Some Noise!

If Abel was righteous, why was he the first human to be murdered? We are still making his mistake today…

4 min

David Ben Horin

Posted on 19.10.20

Editor’s Note: The opinions of David Ben Horin do not necessarily reflect the views of Breslev Israel.  


Noah was the sole survivor of the world of Adam 


Noah was a descendant of Seth, Adam and Eve’s third son. His wife Na’ama, who was a descendant of Cain, their firstborn.  


What about Hevel/Abel 


The Torah relates that both Abel and his brother Cain gave sacrifices to Hashem. Abel’s was from the best of his flock. Cain’s was from among the worst of his produce, and the peels. Hashem showed favor to Abel, but not to Cain. Can became jealous of his brother and killed him. He was sentenced by Hashem to exile for seven generations until one of his greatgreat grandson’s killed him. 


Abel was righteous. Why did he become the first man in human history to die? Why did he die without any offspring? 


Perhaps he focused on his own spiritual welfare while ignoring his brother’s. If he had a greater awareness of Hashem, surely he have a responsibility to share it! And to encourage his brother at his lower level with recognition that his higher level was not something he worked hard for, but rather a gift he was born with. 


Couldn’t Abel have offered to make his offering in the name of both his family and his brother? Our prayers, today’s offerings, are all in the “us” tense. Most of the prayers we recite daily in the Amida are for all of our brothers and sisters.  


Our prayers are designed to make us our brothers keeper.  


When Cain asked if he washis brother’s keeper?”, maybe it was a response, and not a question.  


What if he thought that since Abel didn’t look out for him spiritually, he was the one who was first neglected. 


Are we making the same mistake today? 



Coronavirus and the Haredi Community 

The Talmud teaches us that there is no tribulation without transgression.  


Why are the Haredi Jews both in Israel and in exile suffering from Coronavirus more than any group on earth? 


One would think that the most dedicated community to Hashem would enjoy special protection from our Creator. But the opposite is happening? 


Maybe Rabbi Alon Anava is right: The worst part of the End of Days is upon us and Hashem is spiriting away His beloved children from this world before it happens.  


It could be this, and it could be something else.  


My Brothers Keeper 2020 

What if the righteous are paying, like Abel, for keeping their Divine awareness too much to themselves? 


We live in an age of open Sodomy. We live in an age of lewdness. We live in an age of theft, murder, bloodshed and injustice.  


Where are our spiritual leaders in all of this? 


The Haredi are suffering hardest from the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Haredim, may Hashem forgive our unforgivable sins, are being persecuted by the police force. But isn’t that force led by a Minister of Israel who is an open Sodomite? Without Haredi support, not a single political leader can form a government – not from the left and not from the right.  


What are the spiritual leaders doing to, at the very least, use their public microphone to tell the world, starting with Israel, that a lot of what we are doing is angering Hashem? This is the job of the righteous. 


But is it a pandemic?  


If this plague was sent by Hashem so Yeshiva students would spend more time on their learning, the people of Soda Springs, Idaho wouldn’t be infected, nor would the residents of Wuhan, China.  


This is a global plague sent by Hashem to coax all mankind into returning to Him.  


The righteous are tasked with shouting this message to the world. It is the obligation of the Haredim, the religious, all of us, to scream out to everyone who will listen that a prayer is as important as a facemask! 


Had Abel said to his brother, “You can do better than this. Here, let me help. We will make the next offering together, and both gain favor in G-d’s eyes – he would have lived to raise sons and daughters as righteous as him.  


He could have encouraged Cain to do likewise. The world would have become a much better place.  


The same fork in the road of human history is upon us right now 


Will we do everything in our power to drive humanity in the right direction? 


This is where the critical importance of distributing  emuna comes in! It is so easy  to  share this article with your friends via Facebook, Whatsapp, email, Tiktok, whatever! Share a translation of Rabbi Arush. Share a video. Call a friend, listen to their sorrows, and tell them to read Say Thank You and See Miracles – and G-d willing see miracles too! You can also distribute books or booklets, or Emuna Outreach can do so on your behalf. In just one minute, you can help change people’s lives, you can help stop Corona, and you can earn yourself incredible Divine protection to boot.  


Read Rabbi Arush’s important words on the subject: The Most Important Thing. 


* * * 

David Ben Horin lives in Israel with his wife and children. 



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