Nature’s Wealth

Nature’s Wealth: Health and Healing Plants Based on the Teachings of the Rambam

This alluring and highly compelling book systematically explains the history, vitamin makeup, and healing abilities of many common fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants. An amazing book that will help you discover the wonders that Hashem created within the food we eat as well as our ability to maintain our precious health through these seemingly simple, yet totally complex creations.

By Rabbi Moshe Cohen Shaouli and Rabbi Yaakov Fisher. Hardcover, 360 pages.

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SKU: 56-1201
description of book Nature’s Wealth: Health and Healing Plants Based on the Teachings of the Rambam This alluring and highly compelling book systematically explains the history, vitamin makeup, and healing abilities of many common fruits, vegetables, herbs and plants. An amazing book that will help you discover the wonders that Hashem created within the food we eat as well as our ability to maintain our precious health through these seemingly simple, yet totally complex creations. By Rabbi Moshe Cohen Shaouli and Rabbi Yaakov Fisher. Hardcover, 360 pages.

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