Sha’ar HaBitachon – The Gate of Trust (taken from the book Chovot HaLevavot – The Duties of The Heart) SPANISH EDITION

Compiled by the great Rabbinical Sage Rabbi Bachya ibn Pakuda.

This book describes and teaches, step by step, how a man can achieve and grow towards wholeness.

The word Bitachon in Hebrew means "Trust" – namely trust in G-d.

Rabbeinu Bachya taught: "And because bitachon-trust is the fundamental principle of all other principles in the Torah, we find that the Torah is solely based on it."

A classic and essential book for everyone!

171 pages, hardcover Spanish EditionSssss S 

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description of book Compiled by the great Rabbinical Sage Rabbi Bachya ibn Pakuda.  This book describes and teaches, step by step, how a man can achieve and grow towards wholeness.  The word Bitachon in Hebrew means "Trust" – namely trust in G-d.  Rabbeinu Bachya taught: "And because bitachon-trust is the fundamental principle of all other principles in the Torah, we find that the Torah is solely based on it."  A classic and essential book for everyone!  171 pages, hardcover Spanish EditionSssss S 

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